Dear Juliet Isabel,
You are a year and a half! You are spunky, opinionated, determined, losing your shyness, and very active. You love to give kisses to everyone, especially before going to bed. You are very much into imitating, so much so it's rather convicting when you smell clothes that are lying around (to determine if they are dirty, of course). Sigh.
You love, love to play. So much so, in fact, that you love to go the the nursery on Sundays for church and on Wednesdays for Bible Study. Who doesn't love new toys? You are such a helper too. You will do anything that is asked of you, as long as you think it is "fun" to help. You are really good at taking care of others and cleaning-up! That being said, you seem to understand EVERYTHING that is said to you and around you, in two languages. ...We can't get much past you!
You are becoming more and more vocal with a growing vocabulary. Some of your most common words are: mama, this, agua, cheese, please, gracias, up, abre, bye-bye, bebe, off, galleta, chocolate, Elmo, Wal-mart, Abue, granddaddy, papa, dada, Kaka, uno, dos, and uh-oh.
You really like your schedule and don't sleep well when things get "off". So, when things are "on", you sleep about 12.5 hours at night and take one 2 hour nap in the afternoon. THANK YOU! You weigh 23 lbs (50%) and are 32 inches tall (75%).
Your main obsessions are baby-dolls, purses, being outside, and cottage cheese. You would eat your weight in protein at every meal if I'd let you. (I am NOT exaggerating. Promise.) You can't stand to NOT have a bow in your hair (my girl!), and anytime you see me paint my nails or brush my teeth you insist on doing the same. You are fascinated by your bellybutton and your feet and by pointing out everybody's eyes and nose. You love to say the blessing before meals, and while you are great at folding your hands you totally peak! You are ticklish and clever and never still. Your energy and the amount of life that you posses amaze me. I'm so thankful that your little life is part of mine.
Juliet Isabel, you are oh so loved!
Love you forever,