Juliet has blossomed into a happy little girl this month. Her walking has really taken-off and she is happier around strangers. For the first time, since she was like 5 months old, she did not cry last week when I dropped her off in the nursery during Bible Study! She does a great job of playing by herself now, she loves baby-dolls and stuffed animals, and she just loves walking around and getting into anything and everything. She particularly loves for anyone around to rock and sing to her baby/stuffed animal :) Juliet is sleeping 13 hours at night (!!!!!!) and taking two 1-hour naps during the day. Bliss.
Today was a beautiful fall day (which in Asheville they are almost all beautiful!), so we headed to a nearby Pumpkin Patch. Juliet got to pick out a pumpkin and go on a hay ride!