Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pre-School Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Juliet went on her first ever field trip and I was so delighted to get to go with her little class.  Juliet did want me to either hold her or her hand the whole time :)  I'm sure that won't last forever.

"It's Fall, Y'all" Party

We had a Fall party with some of Micah's work friends.  We ate a TON of Fall food, carved pumpkins, and bobbed for apples :)

Fall Continues :)

I love Fall!  The change of weather, the beginning of the holiday season, the food, and all the fun activities that we have paired along with the season.  So the next few posts will be fall related! ...and we have not even made it to Halloween yet :)

October Fest on the Army Post had tons of activities for kids!!  Juliet was blissfully occupied for two hours before I made her leave. 

Micah's still living in the past ...

Despite the face she was ecstatic and wanted a cat on the other cheek too

None of us are actually in this picture.  I just posted it here as a forever reminder that Juliet insisted on doing this obstacle course (so I agreed to do it with her) and then carried her through the entire thing! It made me sweaty.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Conversations with Juliet

Me: "Juliet, who do we pray to?"
Juliet: "Ummm, Abue."  (her grandmother)

Yeah, we are working on her theology still.


Me: "Juliet, today when we get to your school we are giving your teachers the cookies we made them."
Juliet: "Teachers pee pee in da potty?! Yaaaayyy!!"

She may or may not get really good rewards when she pees in the potty.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Dallas/Fort Worth Trip

Micah's cousins live up in the Fort Worth area and we got to spend the long weekend with them.  We filled our days with a TCU game (Micah's "cousin" is a professor there), amazing Indian food, naps, great company and conversation, a trip to the huge Texas State Fair, and so much attention for Juliet that she is still having withdrawal!  It was a wonderful weekend!  Thank you, Mala, Giri, Viji, and Namu Patti.

She loved the Indian food!!!

Tree climbing with Giri

Texas State Fair

She cried when the ride ended and I made her get off....ah, the terrible mother that I am..

Fall Activities Have Commenced

Getting to wear long-sleeves, pants, and a vest is DEFINITELY a Fall activity :))

Footie Pajamas!!!!


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Night-time Vocalist

As of late, Juliet spends about an hour in her bed, with the lights out, just singing some combination of "Jesus Loves Me" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". 

It is hilariously cute (for about the first three minutes....).

Potty Training (on the Army PT field)

Last week Juliet had her potty training breakthrough, for which we are all grateful! 

Her first few days of using the potty seemed so fragile and so I was afraid to go anywhere that we would not have easy access to bathroom.  So, on a few occassions I carried her little potty with us!

I may have been crossing some assumed Army rules, but at least we didn't have any accidents AND we all go a good workout!

Juliet, the cautious child

Juliet is in no way a daring child.  She never pushed the limites (physically), gets into things in the house, climbs things she should not, or makes me fear for her physical safety.  She is simply a cautious child. 

For the most part, this makes my life as her mother much easier.  But then there are times when I try to give her a little push to be just a little bit braver.  She will almost always work up to things, just in her own time. 

This week at the park she finally went down the "big" slide all by her self :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Oh no, not ME!

I did not go with my family to the Melting Pot for dinner last night, spend $80, and then realize that I had grabbed our Chucke Cheese gift card instead of our Melting Pot gift card.  Oh no, not me.

And I did not ask our waiter at said restaurant, jokingly of course, if they accepted the card we had because we did in face eat cheese.  Oh no, not me.

While we were not discussing the gift card situation, my child would NOT pee in her pants (twice) and then proceed to drop her wet drawers in order to remove them right in the middle of a nice restaurant.  And my husband would not look at me (once we noticed our naked child) and say, "you taught her that".  Oh no, not in my family.

Of course we did not convince the manager to let us leave said restaurant without paying to drive all the way home and back with the gift card to pay for our meal.  Oh no, no one would ever do that.  Mind you, if that did happen, which it did not, then I'm sure they would require you do leave your I.D. and your credit card.  But that did NOT happen, of course.  Oh no, not to me!