Thursday, September 26, 2013

School Party

Juliet Isabel went to preschool the morning of her actual birthday.  Micah and I took in cupcakes to her class in the afternoon so that she could celebrate with her classmates.  It was so fun to be in "class" with Juliet, her little friends, and her awesome teachers!

When it rains, it pours!

Juliet's Texas Party!

Fun, friends, food, a pinata....all specially crafted with Micah's extreme Dr. Suess party detail skills. (Who knew he had it in him?!)

Green eggs and ham!

One dip, two dip, red fish, blue fish!

The youngest party attendees.  Daniel and Eleanor, both 6 days old.

Juliet adores the three children of one of our friends.  I think especially after all the chaos of her party she was so relieved to play with clam "adults".

Monday, September 23, 2013

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star

On our plan ride home from Asheville Juliet just started singing this song.  I was dumbfounded.  First of all, she has yet to even sing a song in it's entirety and, secondly, I did NOT teach her this song.  Yes, we have sung it a time or two (or even ten) but it is not one of the songs we sing regularly.  But, alas, she knows every word...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Juliet's 2nd Birthday Party (In Asheville)!!!

Elaine graciously helped me endeavor to make a Dr. Seuss Hat cake :)

Birthday-buddy Stella and friend/cousin Naomi!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Asheville Visit

Juliet and I headed up north-east to Asheville for a week and we packed in a lot!  Juliet was so busy being the center of attention that I never watched her alone the entire week!  We spent wonderful time with my parents, my mother-in-law, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and great-grandparents!  We also celebrated Juliet's birthday, went to the Mountain State Fair, explored Hickory Nut Gap Farm, and enjoyed crisp fall weather!!!  We had a wonderful time, but were glad to get back home to Micah.

My nephew, Isaac

Picking raspberries with Granddaddy

Mountain State Fair

Uncle Ryan and Juliet

Twins!  ...Playing with Abue

Breakfast at the fair with Nini

"holding" baby Isaac.  She was SO excited!

Visiting great-grandparents in VA

helping grant-granddad in the garden

great-grandma Isla

Dinner with great-grandmother Helen

Aunt Becky and Juliet