Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pit Happens

I like to listen to sermons when I do my long runs (well, when I did my long day, one day...).  I just could not do music for 3 hours.  So, I would put pod cast of sermons on my ipod to pass the time.  I particularly like to listen to sermons from Generation Church out in Seattle, Washington.  This church, is well, spirited.  They are filled will passion and all about yelling and Jesus.  Therefore, their comical, upbeat sermons are great for running! 

Back in the fall of 2010 I was running in Mexico and heard a sermon called "Pit Happens".  The sermon was on Joseph (the guy with the coat of many colors!).  The basic story goes... Joseph (a pretty good guy) was thrown in a pit by his brothers, they then felt bad letting him just die so they instead sold him into slavery and he was taken to another country where more "bad" events came his way (jail, etc). 

The sermon talked about how we all have trials and struggles in our lives.  One of Joseph's trials was being thrown into a "pit".  While we are in the midst of our own "pit" (aka: trials) we have three choices: we can quit, fit, or sit.  We can just give-up and quit, assuming that there is no hope for the situation.  We can whine, complain, and pitch a fit about our situation and how it is unfair.  Or, we can sit, wait, and trust that God has a glorious plan no matter how much pit happens.

When Joseph was in the pit his reality was awful!  His own brothers had essentially left him for dead.  I'm sure he was not feeling too hopeful.  However, Joseph did not know what God had in store for him: he would become a ruler in Egypt! 

So, this sermon is a great, yet simple and comical reminder to me that Pit Happens!!!, but am I going to choose to quit, fit, or sit in God's sovereignty?

1 comment:

  1. I gotta say I've done a bit of all three. I've been quitting, having a fit, and sitting too. Thankfully, God's given me some reminders each day to help me keep going, like he's giving you!
