Juliet Isabel is 10 months old today! This month she has hit a ton of developmental milestones. She claps her hands, she dances ANYTIME she hears music or anything that kind of sounds like music, she waves and says "bye-bye", she says "ma-ma", she walks all over the place as long as she has one hand on something to keep her balance, she has stood by herself, she shakes her head "no" when ever she hears the word
no, she gives [open-mouthed] kisses when prompted, she points and grunts/screams whenever she wants something, she climbs the stairs from bottom to top, she loves to read books (by herself and even more to be read to), and she crawls all over the place. She is now eating all table foods and only has one bottle a day. She no longer nurses. :( With all of the traveling I did over the last month she really just lost interest and gave-up nursing in the morning before breakfast. Her current favorite activities are climbing the stairs, reading books, pulling things off shelves and throwing them on the floor, taking things out of baskets/boxes and throwing them on the floor, and being entertained by anyone who will pay her attention.
She is such a fun, lively, silly little girl that keeps us laughing!