Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Just like Joseph and On moving to Texas

We are moving to San Antonio, Texas on June 2nd.  Last year on June 2nd Micah and I weren't even dating.  A lot has happened in the last year that I never expected, nor would have imagined.  A lot of amazing things have happened, and a lot of things that I probably would not have chosen for this season of my life.   One of the ones I would not have chosen: moving to Texas. 

I have moved away before.  Left home and gone to other countries with a lot of unknowns.  I was fine with that.  So it has nothing to do with being afraid to leave Asheville.  Been there, done that.  And it has nothing to do with Texas.  In fact, I think I will love Texas.  Is there any place in the US that is more Mexican?!  Texas, however, would not have been my choice.  Not now anyway, and for several reasons.  It's a challenge for me to move Juliet away from family.  I want her to know her grandparents and great-grandparents well (both the Sullivans and the Krishnans).  I have been so well supported here in Asheville over the past few years and I have yet to leave this support network since Juliet was born.  I have precious friends here.  Juliet's biological father lives here and is very much a part of her life.  Also, I'm going to Texas as a (at least for the time being) stay-at-home wife and mom.  This scares me!  Not the job itself, but I fear being lonely and feeling unproductive.  Everywhere else I've moved I have had something/someone/some job waiting more me.  So I had automatic friends, or at least acquaintances and automatic things to do and accomplish.  Obviously I'll be with Micah, but he will work during the day (in a place where he will immediately meet other people).   For all these reasons, moving to Texas has been an off and on struggle for me.

In Bible Study Fellowship we are studying the book of Genesis.  This week we studied Joseph. Joseph's story has been an encouragement, a challenge, and convicting to me and at just the right time. I'm sure that was not coincidence!  Let me quickly recap on the trial that young Joseph faced: thrown in a pit by his own brothers, sold into slavery, tempted, wrongfully accused by Potipher's wife, thrown into jail, and forgotten by the cup-bearer, his friend and someone he had helped.

Ok, so I'm struggling to move to Texas, which slightly pales into comparison (ha!) to the struggles that Joseph faced, and the example of Joseph's character, perseverance, trust in God, and the presence of God in his life have been medicine to my soul.  

First of all, despite all that was going wrong in Joseph's life God's hand was all over it!  We were told in BSF that Developing your character matters more to God than your comfort and man did Joseph have some amazing character development going on!  With all that was going wrong in Joseph's life God was with him in everything.  In the few chapters that the Bible talks about Joseph it mentions how God was there several times.  God used Joseph's brother Judah to convince the other brothers not to kill Joseph but sell him into slavery, God gave Joseph favor in Potipher's eyers and Potipher gave Joseph high authority in his home.  Also, when Joseph was accused of committing adultery with Potipher's wife instead of being put to death (which was customary at that time) he was put in jail.  In jail, God gave him favor in the eyes of the prison keeper and the ability to interpret dreams.  So, God never left Joseph; He was gracious to him through every trail.  Even though my trials are smaller I am trusting that God is planning every step of our journey even when things seem to not be going in the right (easy? preferred?) direction, He has good things planned and He is blessing our journey.

One of the most convicting things to me was Joseph's character.  He did not complain or have pity parties for himself. I may or may not be guilty of doing one or both of those in the last few months. He was betrayed, unjustly treated, and so very alone, and yet he remainded faithful to God.  He trusted God.  God's authority and faithfulness was so apparent in Joseph's life that everyone he was around noticed it.  Everyone saw Joseph as wise and trustworthy. They all recognized God's work in Joseph's life, making him successful, and were therefore they were drawn to him.  If people were to look at how I sometimes handle my struggles that come with moving, they would not want to spend time with me.  Instead of being excited for what God has next and trusting Him for good plans, I often complain or feel discouraged.  I want to be, like Joseph, an example of God's goodness and provision in all circumstances.  That is attractive and a testimony.

Lastly, one thing I have never noticed about Joseph until this study is how he cared about others. When he was in prison "he attended to [the cup barer and baker]" and one morning "he saw that they were troubled" (Genesis 40: 2, 6).  When I am so fixated on my own "trials" I don't really have time to notice the things that someone else might be struggling with, which means I am also most likely not caring for them or helping to meet their needs either.  Joseph cared for the other prisoners and took time to notice that they were troubled.  I so hope, and I'm praying, that when I move to Texas (and now too!) that God would take my eyes off my own self-pity, help me to fix them on His promises and faithfulness and the ways he is currently working in and through me, and to open myself up to be available to be a blessing and encouragement in the lives of others. 

There is just so many unknowns about Texas in my mind.  Who will my friends be?  Will it be harder than I think to be far from family?  Will I feel lonely most days?  How long till we find a church?  But, Joseph has encouraged me and challenged me to be patient while trusting the Lord's plans.  Joseph had many moments that seemed hopeless and impossible, but he did not use those as excuses to give into temptation or hopelessness.  In Genesis 37, God gave Joseph a dream that his brothers would one day bow down to him.  He knew that would happen and that God would work it out in His perfect timing.  Joseph trusted that God was taking him on a fruitful journey of suffering that would build his character and work out God's purposes perfectly.  I hope to do the same.  Watch out Texas, here we come!

1 comment:

  1. So I am a little behind in reading your blog. Praying that God will bring you a good friend there and also a ministry/place to serve!
