Friday, September 16, 2011

Final OBGYN Baby Appointment

I had my 41 week appointment this afternoon to have all my "overdue"/pre-inducement tests done.  In the ultrasound BG weighed in at a whopping 8 lb 11oz.  This weight is give or take 1 lb...and I am guessing it is more "give", so it looks like I have having a 9lb baby.  I cried.  Seriously, I cried.  My amniotic fluid levels were great. 
Then I did a "stress test". This was to measure the stress (heart rate and movements) of BG.  The doctor said he knew I was already stressed so it was not to test me.  haha. VERY TRUE!  The test lasted 20 minutes and BG failed.  She was not moving and her heart-rate was too low.  So, the nurse called in the doctor and the doctor manually moved the baby around trying to get her to wake-up some (not a very comfortable thing!).  BG still didn't move.  The doctor asked me what I had eaten for lunch, and embarrassingly so, my reply was "a Swiss Cake Roll and a Nutrigrain Bar" (I didn't think it mattered what you ate in your 41st week of pregnancy).  So, they made me drink Coke and then monitor BG for a little while longer.  Still no good movements, so I went back to the sonographer to have another ultrasound.  In the second ultrasound BG finally moved enough to be deemed "fine".  So..... three and a half hours later I left the doctor's office with my papers to be induced on Monday morning at 7am.
Thus far, BG has NOT cooperated at all in this pregnancy!....and I am NOT looking forward to labor with her because of her stubbornness thus far.  However, she does have one very redeeming quality that makes me forgive her for the rest:  SHE HAS LOTS OF HAIR!!!  The sonographer even gave us a picture of her hair from the ultrasound to take home :)


  1. I've been praying for you and that due date and your dad's leaving. :( I was a bit over 9 lb. It'll be ok. We're going to pray you through this delivery! I'm so glad BG's ok. That appt. sounds a bit scary. Love you!

  2. Yes, dear Lara, we will be praying you through this delivery! And who knows, maybe she'll come on her own over the weekend...can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Oh Lara, I'm so sorry you had such a terrible appt. I'm sure it was little scary. I'll be praying for you on Monday!!! James was over 9 lbs and my mom had all of us naturally, so you can do it!!!
