supports me in everything I do,
teaches me work toward goals and stand-up for what I believe in,
still plants a garden every year,
diligently trained and did his first triathlon at the age of 56,
wakes-up early and drives long distances in the morning to watch me race,
never lets me be a quitter,
eats healthy but enjoys junk food and is always up for ordering pizza,
makes me laugh and has an awesome understanding of sarcasm,
watches TV with me late at night when we should both be sleeping,
knows how to encourage me when things seem hopeless,
gets sunburned at the beginning of every summer and yet still refuses to use sunscreen,
spends countless hours working and traveling to provide for his family,
makes the best key-lime pie ever,
goes out of his way to do things for others,
and teaches his family to put God first.
Thank you, dad, for everything.
Absolutely in love with that post. What a fabulous idea to list the wonderfulness about your dad. I'm grateful for him too!